Amber Sperling MSW RSW PMH-C, EMDR Certified

I am dedicated to helping people thrive in the life and careers they have chosen.

My training in trauma and perinatal mental health has built the expertise you need and deserve when healing from difficult transitions and events. But at the end of the day, you want to know you’re working with someone who “gets” what it means to be a new mom struggling with adjusting to a whole new life, right?

I’ve lived through the transition to motherhood while working in the healthcare field. I’ve devoted years learning about the impact of trauma and the most effective ways to heal. I know that it feels scary adjusting to so many changes instantly in your life and not knowing why you are feeling overwhelmed, irritable or sad (or maybe all of them) out of nowhere while also feeling like your aspects of your identity are totally different. So when we work together, you won’t just get a trained therapist. You’ll get someone who truly understands what you’re going through.


Amber earned joint honours degrees at Carleton University in Psychology and Criminology & Criminal Justice with a minor in Law. She also has a Master of Social Work degree received from Wilfred Laurier University with a primary focus on individuals, families and groups and a secondary focus on community, policy, planning and organizations.  As part of her graduate school training Amber completed an international placement in Moshi Tanzania, providing community engagement and psychosocial support groups for vulnerable children and youth. 

Amber’s Advanced Training and Certifications:

  • Postpartum Support International Perinatal Mental Health Certification

  • Empty Cradle, Broken Heart : providing support for pregnancy loss and infant death

  • Advanced Certificate Practicum in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy with the Albert Ellis Institute

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) through the Perinatal Lens

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) for Perinatal Populations

  • Frontline trauma treatment

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I),

  • Acupuncture detoxification (NADA protocol) for mental health and addiction

  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

  • Improving First Responder Resiliency with EMDR Certificate

Amber holds registration with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers,  Ontario Association of Social Workers,  EMDR Canada, certification with EMDRIA.  

When not providing psychotherapy to clients, Amber strives to improve health care from a systems level by volunteering as chair of the Regional Perinatal Mental Health Task force for the NSM Regional Women and Children’s Network and as an ambassador for the RVH Foundation Cabinet. She enjoys spending time with her family,  being by the lake,  travelling and naming all her new farm animals.